In 2013 there were three biennials in Norway ...
Read the editorialIn looking at the three biennials taking place in Norway in 2013, this text examines the approaches of the different curatorial teams and advances the notion of an 'ethics of collaboration' when assessing the biennials' relationship to its artists, its local institutions and its different constituent audiences.
"We sent out an invitation to create an assembly, with an emphasis on research, on thinking about the future" - A conversation with Evelyn Holm about the founding of Bergen Assembly.
"As a curator working with living artists on the production of new work, I feel more like an accomplice, and very often as a therapist – a best friend, a lover, a mother, or simply someone you can blame when things go wrong."
The board of Lofoten International Art Festival recognised a link between three curators, Bassam El Baroni, Anne Szefer Karlsen and Eva Gonzáles-Sancho: A way of dealing with emotions without getting sentimental and an interest for storytelling and its political aspects.
I guess we shouldn't have; but we did anyways—and I'm glad we did. The transgression? Hacking our way into an installation 'after hours' ...
"This is not a UFO landing at a strategic site, but an infiltration that puts a temporary stop to the ordinary course of things"
"Critique without utopia is empty, but utopia without critique is blind."
A brief review of the catalogues (and the press) for Momentum 1998–2006.